Tuesday, January 15, 2008

chapped lips and stomach bugs

Completely random title, I know.

I know you've met the child I'm going to describe: Crusted snot around their nose, big, red, chapped skin around their mouth. As a teacher, I've met that kid a time or two. These days, 'that kid' lives in our house. The Bugman may not have crusted snot around his nose, but he's definitely sporting the chapped mouth. We've been trying to fight it with vaseline and 'lips' (chapstick in Bugman lingo), but it seems to be beating us. Bugman is an avid lip licker and biter (especially when he is concentrating) a trait that he inherited from his mommy (although I don't think I ever rocked the chapped mouth look). We've come to embrace his chappedness (a word I've made up) and save this picture until his high school days :)

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On another note, a stomach virus has been running rampant through our house. It started Friday when I found Miss Kim and Bitty sitting in a heap of towels as he continuously got sick. About an hour later Bugman started out the other end. By Sunday morning I had fallen victim. We thought that Daddy might make it through unscathed, but he too was sick by Sunday evening. Apparently whatever we had was highly contagious, as everyone at Kim's house, as well as the other kids she watches also got ill. YUCK is all I have to say. I have never been SOOO sick in my life.
Luckily, we all seem to be close to 100%, and I've found a few positives in this whole ordeal.
  • a four day weekend
  • pants that fit a little looser around the waist (they were tight after all that holiday eating!!)
  • a VALID reason for not doing laundry over the weekend
Note to self: We must have more than one bathroom by the time the boys are potty trained...

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